Friday, May 17, 2013

Ready to Inaugurate

We've completed the concrete work for 70 latrines- more than originally planned for. This month people are constructing their outhouses and we'll hold an inauguration celebration on Saturday, June 1 with a chicken dinner, skits, games, and presentations. Thank you for all your support!  Here are some photos of the first finished latrines, built in a wide variety of styles. You can see the pride of the families in the work we've done together, in each picture. For more photos, click here.

Jedigo and family

Humberto and family

Beki and family

Emiliano, Cecelia and family

Luis and family

Trina and family

the Guary Baptist Church

Rosalina and family

Hilaria and family

Beni, Federico and family (my neighbors)

Mikaela, her mother Cheya, and family

Rufina and family

Bella, Moises, family, and turkey

1 comment:

  1. Susan, I'm so impressed! You're doing such amazing and important work. Thanks for the photos and the blog post.

    Steve W.
